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Born Bone Born


Heartwarming drama directed by Teruya Toshiyuki, the comedian who goes by the stage name of Gori. This humorous portrayal of the relationships within a family centers on the ““bone washing”” custom of cleaning and reinterring the bones of the deceased. Gori unveiled the idea in his 2016 short film born, bone, boon, which won numerous film festival honors.
Tsuyoshi (Tsutsui Michitaka) is from the remote Okinawan island of Aguni and returns home after a four-year absence to wash the bones of his deceased mother. But, his father Nobutsuna (Okuda Eiji), who lives at home by himself, is a mess and has gone back to the bottle, a habit he was supposed to have quit. (Synopsis from Japanese Film Festival)

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Toshiyuki Teruya

Japanese Film Festival
Hawaii International Film Festival
Japan Cuts