Farewell Song
Directed by Shiota Akihiko of CANARY and Wet Woman in the Wind, the film stars Komatsu Nana of The World of Kanako and Kadowaki Mugi of Dare to Stop Us. Also features Narita Ryo of The Antique. The female duo band Haruleo go on their final tour after deciding to break up the unit, accompanied by their roadie. As they travel across the country, they realize the scars they gave to each other can be only healed on the stage. (Synopsis from Japanese Film Festival)
Film Festivals (selected): Hawaii International Film Festival, Japannual, Japanese Film Festival
Available to stream on (subject to change): n/a
[This film is NOT available to stream on SAKKA. We do not own the copyright, and this page is for informative purposes only.]
Hawaii International Film Festival
Japanese Film Festival