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Just Remembering


Every morning on his way to work, Teruo greets an old man on a bench (played by NIPPON HONOR AWARD recipient Masatoshi NAGASE). As a cab driver, Yo spends her nights trying to get her customers to their next destination. In the style of Jim Jarmusch’s cult film NIGHT ON EARTH, JUST REMEMBERING revives memories of days gone by in Tokyo, where Teruo and Yo once had a lot in common. (Synopsis from Nippon Connection)

Film Festivals (selected): Tokyo international Film Festival, Nippon Connection, Udine Far East Film Festival
Available to stream on (subject to change): n/a

[This film is NOT available to stream on SAKKA. We do not own the copyright, and this page is for informative purposes only.]


Daigo Matsui

Udine Far East Film Festival
Nippon Connection
Tokyo international Film Festival
Hawaii International Film Festival
Camera Japan Festival