Pale Moon
Yoshida Daihachi continues to probe at questions of conformity and rebellion with this devilishly delightful tale of young housewife Umezawa Rika (the stunning Miyazawa Rie) who becomes an embezzler to support an affair with a young lover (Ikematsu Sosuke). As her cons get more and more involved and her actions lead her further and further away from ““propriety,”” the fun is in seeing how far Umezawa will go while the noose slowly tightens around her. Ikematsu is also excellent as the lover who can’t take his eyes off of the mousy but still pretty Umezawa. With a muted color palate, great soundtrack, and an almost sensual emphasis on the physicality of money, Pale Moon cements Yoshida’s importance in contemporary Japan’s cinematic landscape.
(Synopsis from New York Asian Film Festival)
Film Festivals (selected): New York Asian Film Festival, Nippon Connection, Japanese Film Festival
Available to stream on (subject to change): n/a
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