Along with his wife Yuri (Mitsuya Yoko), the dying Chihiro (Saitoh Takumi) arrives in Bali to visit his pregnant sister Kumi (Sugino Kiki) and her Dutch husband Luke (film critic Tom Mes) who live there. With long takes and a measured pace, the film allows the cast to really dive into their roles. Focusing on each couple’s inability to communicate, their own needs and desires driving them further and further apart, the film is content to let sadness and melancholy permeate through the beautiful scenic backgrounds. Erotic, existential, and rich in atmosphere, Sugino continues to prove that she is an independent director to watch even with only three films under her belt.
(Synopsis from New York Asian Film Festival)
Film Festivals (selected): New York Asian Film Festival, Camera Japan Festival
Available to stream on (subject to change): n/a
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