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Made In Japan


A brutal murder by a minor happens in an industrial area. Kyoichi, who works at a factory nearby, learns about the crime and realizes the culprit was his former co-worker. “I know the murderer.” When Kyoichi posts about it on social media, it immediately attracts the media who are all eager to get provoking stories out of him. Yusaku Matsumoto’s powerful short film gives a chilling look at media accountability, sensationalism, and the public’s media literacy in creating, consuming, and propagating information, eerily holding up a mirror to the viewer.
( 30 min. )
Available Worldwide except Japan

▷About the Filmmaker - Learn more about the director Yusaku Matsumoto
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If you enjoyed this film, check out the director’s powerful feature debut “NOISE”


Yusaku Matsumoto


Japanese with English subtitles

Director's Note

In one book that I encountered, the author questioned what would extinguish the human race. The author of that book said the media would. The media can both save human beings or kill them, the book said. I am a filmmaker, and film is a media. In a way, I'm on the side that generates the media. As someone who creates and generates the media, I felt the need to tackle this theme in my film. I hope you watch and enjoy it.

Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival
Moosic Lab

“Made in Japan” is not only a relevant social critic, but also an artistically valuable work. For his parable about violence, loyalty and sensationalism, Matsumoto chooses a somewhat melancholic and pessimistic tone, which unfortunately only too often has its real counterpart.

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...again displays Matsumoto’s penchant for holding up a mirror toward his own generation, creating characters and situations from which the audience can glean their own interpretations.

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Bonus Content

SCENE COMMENTARY (exclusively available with rental/purchase)


The director Yusaku Matsumoto shares his view on the film’s short form and talks about the brilliant ensemble cast.

Director introduces Official Trailer (also available on YouTube)


Official Trailer with introduction by the director Yusaku Matsumoto.
*Please click HERE to watch this video (It will go to our YouTube channel)

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